trying to make sense of medicare?
Welcome to! You are probably here because you are a member of the Silver Generation who is either a Medicare beneficiary or about to enroll for the first time. Either way, if you are like most folks in the Silver Generation, you are likely a bit mixed-up by exactly what Medicare is, what is covered, and how much it will cost.
Medicare makes all the information readily available on… and that’s precisely the problem. The problem is Medicare can be so complex and overwhelming that spending hours, or even days, on leaves most people more frustrated and confused than when they started their educational journey.
If you find yourself in this situation don’t waste another second trying to interpret or any other DIY tools. You worked hard to earn your Medicare benefits. There is absolutely no reason to work even harder trying to figure out how the darn program works or how much it will cost you.
Reach out to Silver Sherpa, Inc. instead at (303) 865-5534.